Japanese Akita: History, Characteristics, And Grooming Detail

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The large Japanese Akita is one of the fourteen oldest breeds in the world. The official birthplace of the breed is the island of Honshu, the name is formed from a geographical toponym (Tohoku region, Akita Prefecture )

The first images of spitz-shaped dogs (rock art) date back to the beginning of the seventeenth century. The appearance of stately, slightly massive animals has not changed at all since then the hallmark of the breed is still almond-shaped, with slanting eyes, sharp ears, and a fluffy tail closed in a ring.

Until the end of the seventeenth century, the island spitz was the working animal of the Japanese peasants the dogs guarded the dwellings and helped the shepherds and hunters. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the social status of charming large Spitz changed abruptly Akita Inu was declared a national treasure.

In World War II, Japan fought on the side of Germany the livestock of the Akita Inu was put under the knife (clothes were sewn from warm animal skins), and the breed was on the verge of extinction. Rescuing shaggy pets, the Japanese took the dogs to the mainland. During the war, a third species modification was created hoping to get a guard dog, Japanese Inu began to be crossed with German Shepherds.

At the end of the military confrontation, the Land of the Rising Sun rose from ruins for a long time a decree on the rehabilitation of the original island rocks was passed at the government level.

Japanese Akita Inu

Japanese cynologists began to centrally collect the rest of the Akita Inu gene pool into nurseries. Careful and thoughtful work was carried out: the country needed a national symbol, an uncomplicated image, an ideal Japanese dog. Even the fighting version of “date inu” was criticized and ostracized. The Japanese were determined to recreate the “original”, the state fetish.

Against the backdrop of restorative cynological actions, a lot of animals left the country: energetic, charming, and silent dogs attracted foreigners. The soldiers of the American occupation corps massively exported the Akita across the ocean. It was through America that the Japanese Akita Inu dog carried out worldwide expansion.

How Japanese Akita Inu Look like

Japanese Akita Inu are proportionally built, muscular animals with massive heads. Tall dogs are remembered for their original appearance slanting smiling muzzles, imperturbable bearish power, and elegant fox swiftness. Akita Inu is the largest in the Spitz group the height of adults at the withers reaches 74 centimeters.

Island Spitz is distinguished by

  • Aristocratic disposition
  • Massive physique
  • Heavy skull
  • Almond-shaped dark brown eyes
  • Vertical, pointed ears
  • High and strong paws
  • Coarse five-centimeter hair with a thick undercoat

Purebred Japanese Akitas can only be

  • snow-white color (not a single spot)
  • white-fiery duplex: brown-haired base “cut through” by a snowy muzzle, breast, and paws

Japanese Akita characteristics

The Japanese Akita is known for being very smart, confident, calm, and balanced. Island Spitz dogs are like real samurais they are devoted to their owners, follow a clan hierarchy, stay calm, and brave, and are ready to act quickly. This is part of their natural behavior.

Akita Inu dogs from good bloodlines are impressive because they can quickly understand situations, make decisions on their own, and learn from their experiences in life. They have strong individuality, creativity, practical skills, and a good memory.

This type of dog is easy to take care of. It can live inside your house or in a big cage outside. No matter where it lives, it needs to go for walks and play a lot. Both indoor and outdoor dogs need exercise and training to stay healthy. If they don’t get enough exercise, they can become overweight, lazy, and tired. This can lead to health problems and changes in their behavior.

These clever dogs remember a lot and can easily repeat what they think is the best thing to do. They don’t act recklessly they analyze anything that’s different from their usual routine.

Japanese Akita characteristics

The Japanese Akita dogs are calm and patient, and they get along well with older kids. They respect their family and show humility. However, they can have issues with other animals. They might fight with other dogs and they can’t tolerate small pets.

The main challenge with these Japanese dogs is that they mature slowly. They only become adults at around 2.5 years old. Before that, they can be really playful, restless, and a bit stubborn, just like kids. As they grow up, they become calmer, better behaved, and easier to manage.

Starting from a young age, Akitas need to be socialized and trained. They have a unique personality and a strong will, so they need consistent guidance and training to behave well. Training a stubborn dog like this can be tough, so it’s often a good idea to get help from experts in dog training, even if you’ve raised big dogs before.

Japanese Akita Grooming

The complex hygiene procedures for the Japanese Akita include combing, bathing, cleaning the ear cavities, treating the eyes, and trimming the nails. It is necessary to accustom a puppy to grooming from the first days of moving from the kennel.

It is important to be patient, persevering, and not allow aggression. Regular grooming is not only a manifestation of care and love, but also an opportunity to improve personal contacts, spiritual communities, and sympathies.

It is desirable to engage in a thick and luxurious Akita coat at least once a week. During the period of seasonal molting, the procedure is recommended to be repeated more often. For the procedure you will need tools:

  • Furminator slicker
  • Rare comb
  • Massage brush-mitten.

Wash Island Spitz a couple of times a year if bathing is too frequent, the structure of the coat is damaged, and there is a danger of dermatitis. There is one valid exception dog washing is included in the pre-show grooming complex.

The regularity of claw care depends on the conditions of detention a pet who spends a lot of time on the street often does not need cutting and sharpening claws at all. The dog’s ears are cleaned three times a month with a cotton pad moistened with a special lotion. Once a week, the oral cavity is sanitized and the fangs are cleaned from plaque and tartar.

Japanese Akita food

The basis of the diet of the Akita is rice, sea fish, algae, and a large number of vegetables. This is hereditary large Spitz have been eating this way for centuries. The European menu is only to the detriment of Japanese furry aristocrats most Inu have a strong allergy to poultry, fatty meats, lactose, and oatmeal.

It is difficult for an adult purebred Japanese Akita to find ready-made industrial food soy, traditional for most pet products, is almost not absorbed by Asian exotics. The best solution for organizing the nutrition of the Akita Inu is the selection of “drying”, which contains one source of protein fish (there are food lines based on salmon).

Japanese Akita food

Veterinary Medicine

In general, the Japanese breed is strong and healthy the Akita has no hereditary or specific pathologies.

The most common diseases include:

  • Allergies to food and household chemicals
  • Joint dysplasia
  • Vision problems (cataracts, glaucoma, retinal delamination)

These diseases are rare and, with timely treatment at a veterinary clinic, are successfully cured. Despite the amazing vitality of the breed, the Akita requires systemic sanitation at the veterinarian, a course of mandatory vaccinations, and regular parasite therapy.

Japanese Akita Price

The Japanese Akita Inu is a fashionable and very popular breed, the price of a thoroughbred puppy can exceed 600 to 1800 dollars. This Japanese dog is worth as much as they are willing to pay for it. These are “status objects” imperturbable island animals that are symbols of success, prosperity, and wealth. Potential Akita Inu owners should also take into account the total budget of dog ownership the cost of keeping in the first few years is compared, and later significantly exceeds the purchase amount.

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