Akita Vs Husky, Which One To Choose?

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In our article about the Akita vs Husky, we will discuss some basic and important differences which help you to choose the best dog breed. Both Akita and Husky are among the oldest dogs, the breeds whose genotype is the least different from a wolf’s in DNA tests. In many ways, they are really similar at least against the background of a collie or a lap dog.

However, for the future owner of the pet, the difference is significant. You need to properly study the nature and needs of the breeds because you choose your friend for a decade and a half.

Husky vs Akita Appearance

Akita and Husky are similar in appearance. Both those and others are like-like they have a compact lean body with a tucked-up belly, sharp ears, and a curiously elongated muzzle. Both breeds, like any northern dogs, are well adapted to the cold due to the thick undercoat that retains heat.

For keeping in an apartment, both Akita Inu and Husky are suitable with reservations. Modern townspeople do not get meat with guns in the forest and do not go for skins on a sleigh, but they start animals as companions.

Akita Appearance

However, one cannot discount the need of the initially working breed for long daily movement. Neither a Japanese nor a sled dog will be able to wait for you on the couch from work until eight and walk for half an hour a day if you are rarely at home, you should look at calmer breeds.

Another important moment for a resident of an apartment building is size. Huskies are more compact than Akitas their maximum height is 60 cm, while the Akita (the largest of the spitz-shaped ones) can grow up to 70.

The weight of a large male Akita Inu reaches 50 kg, and the Husky is only 28. This difference is critical for people planning to keep a dog in a small-sized apartment. If you want to get not a husky, but an Asian, but the footage of the room does not allow you to stop at an Akita, you can take a closer look at the Shiba Inu the character and exterior of the Japanese are similar, and the Shibs are smaller than the Akita (up to 40 cm, up to 13 kg).

Akita vs Husky Training Tips

Let’s delve a little into ancient times. Historically, the functions of the Husky and the Japanese were very different. If the former were used by the Chukchi as sled dogs, then the latter were hunters, capable of also protecting the owner and his property from encroachment.

This is important for us even now, even if we do not go hunting, because the dog’s hereditary profession leaves an imprint on its relationship with the outside world.

Both Akita Inu and Husky, with strict and careful upbringings, grow up attached to the owner and friendly. Neither one nor the other is recommended for beginners because of their freedom-loving disposition. But if you are confident in your abilities, have free time for training, and are ready to seek help from a cynologist, then the character will not be a problem the standard of both breeds suggests balance.

The basic principles of training are also similar they involve early education and socialization, game training in puppyhood, and a full course at an older age. Working dogs huskies, malamutes, Akitas, and many others love sports, for example, agility and show excellent results in it.

Husky Training Tips

Especially in need of regular intensive loads of huskies, whose ancestors until recently drove teams (and in some places still carry). For them, there is a whole range of types of sledding sports both summer and winter

  • Skijoring
  • Pulka
  • Canicross
  • Bikejoring
  • Kart racing.

Please Note

If the choice fell on a husky, it is highly desirable to do active sports with him. As a rule, there are no contraindications to overcoming distances in healthy dogs, and participation in races brings them great pleasure.

Akita Inu vs Husky difference in character

An Akita Inu hunting dog will be able to protect you from an ill-wisher, even if it is a large predator, and will protect your family. Akitas are more wary of strangers, jealously protect the territory they consider their own.

And the team is often run by different people. A sled dog must obey them all, so it has a weakly expressed instinct for protecting the territory, and there is practically no aggression towards people.

It is categorically not recommended to start it as a guard in the best case, the result of training will be a guard, wagging its tail joyfully meeting outsiders, in the worst case, a dog with serious behavioral disorders. You won’t be able to hunt with her either she doesn’t bring game.

If you plan to keep a pet in the yard of a country house and hope that he will vigilantly monitor the situation and bark at strangers, take an Akita, they are suitable for this.


Some breeds are bred by fixing the necessary qualities for which recessive genes are responsible. If a puppy with curly hair is accidentally born in the litter, it is bred with other carriers of the curly gene (possibly relatives), and this leads to a stable appearance in the genus of curly dogs.

There are breeds that appeared due to interbreeding. But most often, hybridization does not go beyond the first generation and does not set itself the goal of breeding a new breed, but simply adds blood to an already recognized and stable one in order to supplement it with the necessary qualities.

Since such incest is not registered or controlled by anyone, people have room for imagination. Probably, many owners who allow their pets to be bred with other breeds do it for fun because it’s really hard to look at a cross between a husky and a chow-chow or a corgi without laughing. Nevertheless, such mestizos take the best qualities from their parents they are smart, affectionate, active and delight the owners, despite the lack of a pedigree.

Akita and Husky mestizos are not an independent breed and are formally outbred at all, but they have their own fans, and in their circles they even got their own name“huskita”. If you evaluate such a dog externally, it is clear that Japanese blood predominates in it. It is difficult to say something about the nature of the unrecognized crossbreed , for which there are no statistical data

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