Complete Detail About Akita Training

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Are you facing difficulties in Akita training many new dog owners face that problem. we will discuss this issue in detail because you need complete guidance before training an Akita as this japan dog breed is different from other dog breeds

Are Akitas hard to train?

Many newbies ask about this dog breed Are Akitas hard to train? It is believed that training is easier the smarter the dog. In most cases, this is the case. But when assessing the complexity of training, one must take into account not only intelligence but also character complaisance, love of learning, and thirst for praise and Akita Inu are not champions in these disciplines.

It is difficult to raise a self-willed striving to lead Akita. Many cynologists warn against self-training, believing that the Akita Inu is not a dog for a beginner. If you are in doubt about whether you are working with a puppy correctly, go to dog training together this is recommended for Akitas.

It is interesting that in the homeland of the Akita in Japan, it is allowed to keep a dog of this breed of people who have at least ten years of experience in owning dogs, which must be documented.

Are Akitas hard to train?

How to socialize an Akita

The first step in Akita training is socialization the need for early socialization is a hallmark of Japanese dogs. They are not “citizens of the world”, but rather owners: they are jealous of the owner, protect the territory, and do not like strangers. To raise an obedient Akita Inu, loyal to other dogs, cats, and children, you need to teach her to communicate with them from an early age.

Unobtrusively provoke contact of your Akita with other animals, and invite friends to the house. Introduce the baby to trees, cars, and cyclists, and let him learn to develop an adequate response to attempts to enter into a dialogue.

In the period between 2.5 and 7 months, the dog’s psyche is most plastic the dog determines its place in the world, and masters the environment. If you skip this time of building personal boundaries in society, you can end up with a shy or aggressive animal with poor communication skills.

Basic Principle of Education

You are touched by watching how a plush cheerfully lumpy shakes a sofa cushion, and yet you do not think about training and education. In the meantime, if the baby has mastered the first lesson you can wag the pillow. He will remember this in the future.

The first step in raising a small Akita is the delimitation of space, the division of zones into accessible and forbidden for a puppy. There should be no exceptions to this rule the dog does not understand by what principle it is sometimes allowed what is usually forbidden, gets confused, and ceases to obey at all.

It is impossible to allow the loss of authority by the owner, therefore the first educational principle is consistency. The second principle is perseverance. Always follow orders. This is so important that dog handlers advise assessing whether a person can physically insist on its execution before issuing a forbidding command.

If there are no guarantees, don’t give the command: a missed lesson is not as bad as a lesson in which the Akita realizes that it is not necessary to follow the commands.

Principle of Education  during Akita training

Akita Training methods by months

Skills by months of life Akita Inu is an infantile breed they are in no hurry to grow up and can retain childish behavioral traits up to a year or a little later. You can’t take everything into account at once, but the main milestones must be passed at a certain age. Create a checklist that reminds you of the skills you want to teach your pet.

2–2.5 months

  • At this age, the first teams begin to teach first in a playful way. A two-month-old Akita can learn to use a diaper without leaving puddles in the corners
  • Do not bite a person even in the game (small Akita inu biters, and it hurts)
  • Do not be afraid of the collar and leash
  • Stay home alone for 15 minutes without barking or howling
  • Not to destroy the apartment, but to understand that you can only have fun with toys.

3–3.5 months

Time of active acquaintance with the street and the formation of attachment to the owner. At this time, you can not leave the puppy in overexposure this will damage your further communication.

Teach Akita not to pick up food from the floor, agreeing to eat only what is your sanction
defecate on the street and be gentle with strangers.

4–5 months

This is the beginning of complete training. The Akita puppy must learn to stop barking on demand, follow the basic commands ( sit, stand, lie down), and know the prohibitive command “fu”. He also finally gets used to going to the toilet only on the street and will confidently return your call and walk nearby without a leash.

6–8 months

The little puppy now becomes a grown-up dog. When she is a teenager, she starts to go against the rules. You have to be patient, stay relaxed, and believe in yourself. Now, it’s important to firmly ask for listening and following orders.

Tips for Akita owners

The duration of the session should not exceed the time during which the puppy can be attentive. Toddlers get tired faster, and teenagers can work out longer on average, about half an hour continuously. If half an hour has not passed, but you see that the pet is already tired, do not insist.

Taste encouragement is a training method in which conditions are created for the educated person in which he is forced to execute a command, after which he receives a treat. The operant method requires you to catch the moment when the dog accidentally performed the action that was required, and reward it.

At first, this will happen infrequently, but over time, the puppy will begin to look for patterns and naturally learn to behave correctly.

To maintain a leadership position at the end of the training and finish it with an excellently executed team (for this you need to stop in time and choose a command well mastered by the puppy) before you go to rest, praise your pet for learning progress and give a treat.

Inexperienced owners often ask what size a treat should be. Less is better! Firstly, this way you will not overfeed the dog, and secondly, over time, the encouragement of each success can be completely abandoned.

Is it good to punish Akita during training

No way there is no need for punishment during Akita training an Akita. This hurts her and adds fuel to the flames of your future conflicts. As a rule, for a negative reinforcement of a pet’s actions, the absence of a positive one is enough ignoring the puppy gives a tremendous effect.

If he does something potentially dangerous, he will have to stop such behavior physically and express dissatisfaction, but the proud Akita will not understand the punishment and, most importantly, will not forgive.

Often you can even refuse to prohibit commands. Many “fu” can be replaced by orders “to me” or “near”. There is a point of view that the animal is only happy when it “lags behind”. It is expressed by the owners who bring up the “whip”. Of course, a pet is happy when a person stops screaming and spanking, but do you want your pet to react to you this way?

With the right upbringing, deprivation of attention, especially for the affectionate Akita, is such a powerful tool for expressing dissatisfaction with the behavior of a dog that it is rarely recommended to use it, only in cases where the dog is very mischievous.

American Akita training

American Akita training is based on the same principles Americans are also dominant, self-willed, and prone to barking and howling in the absence of the owner. Be patient but firm, keep an eye on whether the puppy is tired, and let him rest in time. Little Akitas, like children, require a lot of time and attention. It will definitely pay off if you act with love and awareness of responsibility.


Akita training is not an easy method, especially for newbies these types of dogs are dangerous and create problems during training.

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