American Akita| Overview, History & Characteristic

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American Akita or large Japanese dog is a beautiful, harmoniously built, and self-confident animal. The brightest representatives of the overseas selective refinement amaze with their colorful appearance, calm power, and the widest range of applications. The personal and working talents of the American-Japanese Laikas are admirable.

The American Akita Inu is a canon of versatility in addition to being a companion, massive dogs perfectly excel in guard duty, tow sleds, and recklessly work on large and small games.

The breed is incredibly popular and in demand, but picking up a modern dog, a friend, and protector of the house, you should seriously evaluate your strengths large-toothed Spitz has a difficult character.

Overseas Akitas are selflessly devoted to their owner, but they are extremely independent and self-reliant. These are complex and multifaceted personalities oriental sages, fearless samurai, and Americanized Japanese aristocratic dogs.

American Akita Dog History

The history of the continental variety of Akita Inu begins at the end of World War II the US military massively exported trophy island Spitz from the Land of the Rising Sun.

As it turned out later, it was mostly Davy-types who left their native archipelago the considered Japanese massive dogs to be of less quality (not thoroughbred) and gave the invaders just such dogs. Critics of this theory insist that the Americans simply liked the wide and massive Davy prototype.

A new breed for the country was imported into the United States, with which breeding work began immediately. Practical Yankees liked the power, equanimity, and bright appearance of Japanese trophies.

Continental breeders paid special attention to the psyche and character of the Akita Devi line a more “soft” disposition was formed, and malice and aggressiveness were mercilessly stopped. The Americans did not pursue the Japanese canon a practical nation needed a hard-working companion dog.

American Akita Dog

Huge work on the “restructuring of the island personality” was crowned with a triumphant success the first position in the American Akita standard is precisely benevolence towards a person.

In 1999, the continental pet club reconciled with the Kennel Association of Japan the dogs were bred at different corners of the ring The FCI meeting documented the division of Akita dogs into two breed branches “ Akita Inu ” (the fifth group of the registry) and “BJaS” (second group).

In the states, the terminology FCI is not in circulation dogs are commonly called American Akita. Breeders from the United States do not agree with the decision and wording of the “cynological government”, as they consider it a professional achievement to create an innovative type of an archaic original.


The American Akita is a well-balanced dog with massive bones, well-developed muscles, and a stocky-square format. A monumental skull, heavy jaws, and roughly chopped plasticity of the muzzle form a stern image of all-crushing power and true greatness. Deep-set slanting eyes add charm to the dog, accentuate oriental origin, and bring true samurai chic to the exterior.

American Akita appearance

The average height of an American Akita male: 66-70 cm,

And female: 62-65 cm. Male weight: no more than 65 kg, females 55 kg.

American Akita size by month


2 months35 – 38 cm8 – 9 kg
3 months38 – 43 cm13 – 16kg
4 months 43 – 51 cm18 – 21kg
5 months51 – 56 cm22 – 25kg
6 months56 – 61 cm27 – 30kg
9 months61 – 63 cm27 – 30kg
12 months63 – 67 cm36 – 39kg


2 months31 – 36 cm7 – 8kg
3 months old 36 – 40 cm11 – 13kg
4 months old40 – 48 cm15 – 18kg
5 months old Akita48 – 53 cm19 – 21kg
6 months old 53 – 58 cm23 – 25kg
9 months old58 – 61 cm27 – 31kg
12 months old 61 – 64 cm33 – 36kg

The American type differs from the island Akita in the texture and color of the coat. American females are famous for their long hair on the crop and back (five-centimeter awn) and short “pile” on the rest of the body. There is no ban on dark masking of the muzzle and white bald patches on the forehead.

American Akita Temperament

The American Akita Inu is a balanced, calmly vigilant dog with a pronounced sense of dignity and innate aristocracy. They are amazingly smart and quick-witted: large Japanese dogs are famous for their excellent memory, and the ability to accumulate life experience and adequately implement it in work and everyday life.

The main condition for the life support of the breed is socialization, education, and training from an early age. Characteristic dogs require a thoughtful, systematic approach the headliner must become an authoritative ruler for the dog, and earn respect and sympathy. Only soft, true dominance realizes the innate talents and delightful condition of the American Akita.

Even a properly educated adult American Akita has a number of characteristic features and problem areas there are positions that cannot be eradicated by selection and training.

A ubiquitous and regular problem is cockiness and intolerance towards other animals American bitch will not tolerate other dogs, cats, and other pets in their zone of influence. Excessive combativeness and pugnacity are manifested during walks, in places of walks you should not let the Akita off the leash.

American Akita Temperament

The large Akita is a serious animal that should not be bred for a child. The leadership of the American-Japanese exotic should be carried out by an adult charismatic leader with a firm hand and experience in handling large, characteristic dogs. In general, American Akitas are sincerely feeling, loyal dogs that need constant communication with the owner.

The legendary devotion of the breed is the most important personal parameter implemented in the guard service. An adult American Akita will not allow a stranger to enter the house, it will firmly protect the clan from intruders.

With proper upbringing and thoughtful training, the Akita will master all types of services, and any special courses and adequately demonstrate his skills in pet sports.

Sports with a dog is not only a health improvement, but also an opportunity to establish close contact with a pet. Large Japanese dogs are great for


  • Agility: An obstacle course of twenty rounds
    Weight pulling: Athletic pet sport, dragging heavy loads
  • Freestyle: Sports dancing with a dog. Artistic American Akita amaze with plasticity, grace, and musicality
    Coursing: Hunting for mechanical bait
    skier towing and sled racing
  • Can cross: Cross-country running with a dog (from 3 to 5 km).

Socialized, trained, and busy with work, the American type is an ideal dog for living together in country cottages with a large adjacent territory. Large, hardworking dogs are an excellent choice for a modern fisherman, sportsman, or dynamic person who loves a fast-paced life.

Life Support and Care

A large Japanese dog is a strong, hardy, and large-sized animal, which is most often kept in a spacious aviary of a country mansion. The chain and the round-the-clock cage are categorically contraindicated for the breed communication with people is vital for these dogs, loneliness drives healthy dogs into depression, provokes a deterioration in character, and a decrease in vitality.

Americans are extremely cold-tolerant, with a thick undercoat that protects them well from low temperatures.

American Akita Life Support and Care

Grooming American Spitz-like dogs is simple and unpretentious, even a novice dog owner can handle the care of a dog. The main thing from infancy is to accustom the dog to hygiene procedures

  • Regular combing of fur and thick undercoat
  • Rare bathing as it gets dirty
  • Washing the tear ducts
  • Ear cleaning
  • Removal of dental plaque
  • Claw trimming.

Healthy Food for American Akita

The main requirements for the diet of the breed are usefulness and balance. Unlike island relatives, the continental modification of large spitz-shaped dogs is absolutely not picky in nutrition.

This, of course, does not mean that the dog can be fed leftovers, but you can do without a complex island menu of fish, rice, and seaweed.

Most American breeders recommend an industrial diet a menu made up of prepared dry and moist foods, pet canned foods, and ready-to-eat convenience foods. This is a rational and practical solution that guaranteed quality and balance with a minimum of labor costs and an adequate price.

It is important not to save on a pet, choose premium-class items, without dyes, preservatives, and flavors. The use of industrial feed solves a lot of difficulties, ready-made menus are a verified complete set of the diet with vitamin and mineral complete compliance of the feed with the age and life phases of the pet

Balance of calories, ease of rationing, and the possibility of therapeutic diets. Consultations with the breeder and veterinary nutritionist will help in selecting the manufacturer and product line.

Representatives of the American breed have problems with digestion, weight gain, and allergies to certain foods. Treats from the table, thoughtless delicacies are strictly prohibited. Sweets, yeast-leavened pastries, smoked meats, tubular bones, and any spices are contraindicated for large Japanese dogs.

When choosing a natural menu, one should be guided by the basic rules of the diet of large, actively working dogs. The basis is proteins of animal origin (lean meat, offal, sea fish fillet, low-fat sour milk, eggs). Garnishes will be cereal porridge and stewed vegetables. In frosts, when the animal consumes a lot of energy, an increase in calorie content is necessary. Vegetable oils and fish oils are great.


American Akitas are strong, healthy dogs with strong immune systems. BJS will live happily ever after if a caring owner organizes good nutrition, provides work, debugs professional life support: registers a pet in a veterinary clinic, fits into the medical examination system, and vaccinates the animal.

All breeds have bad heredity and negative genetics however, if you buy a dog of good bloodlines in a reputable kennel, many diseases and hardships can be avoided a half-breed, an American Akita mestizo is a guaranteed problem and huge bills from the veterinarian.

There are no exotics in the list of veterinary threats of BND, only the “pathological standard” of large, massive dogs:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Dermatitis
  • Problems of vision
  • Allergies to food and household chemicals.

How to choose a puppy

A careful selection of a reputable kennel, thoughtful consultations with the breeder, and communication with experts at exhibitions and breed forums guarantee the acquisition of a dog that meets the personal and exterior standards of the breed.

You need to focus not on the charm of the Akita baby, but on the regalia of the parents, evaluating their appearance, temper, and character. It is worthwhile to deal with the gender of the purchase in advance females are smaller and calmer, and toothy beauties are more tender and accommodating. Males are oppressively dominant, overflowing with arrogance and grandeur.

American Akita puppy

It is difficult for an inexperienced person to determine the temperament of a pet it is better to delegate the choice to a breeder who will recommend a puppy of the desired character. It is independently possible (and necessary) to control the health, activity, and grooming of the entire offspring. An American Akita of good bloodlines should meet the standard of being cheerful and friendly.

From the nursery take puppies 2-2.5 months of age. By this time, the puppies are already activated, chipped, and accompanied by a passport-metric (children’s card, subsequently exchanged for a pedigree). Also, shaggy babies must be vaccinated with all the necessary notes in the veterinary policy. A responsible breeder accompanies the offspring with a license and state certification.

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